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    Trust us to care for your beloved pets and home!
    • House and Pet Sitters - Facebook
    Post date: 2nd December 2021
    Category: Pet tips

    It’s easy to get excited about the upcoming holiday season – but don’t forget to get in early to make sure you’re fur family don’t spend the holidays alone!

    The HAPS team of reliable house and pet sitters are ready to make sure your pets are safe and happy in their home as you enjoy your travels with our house and pet sitting or daily visit services providing walkies, hugs and special care for your pets.

    With over 10 years of experience and a team of reliable, police-cleared sitters – rest assured we’re here to help make easier on you and your pets next time ‘you can’t be there’.

    Wishing you and your fur family a safe and pawsome holiday season!

    Jenny + the HAPS team!

    To find out more, get in touch with me, Jenny or visit our website http://www.houseandpetsitters.com.au

    Relax and enjoy your holiday!