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    Trust us to care for your beloved pets and home!
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    Contact Us

    House and Pet Sitters

    Jenny Hodder

    m         0400 611 840

    e          jenny@houseandpetsitters.com.au

    p          PO Box 2127, Claremont North, WA  6010

    Do you need a sitter?

    Please complete the Initial Inquiry Form and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible with more information and a quote.  Complete the form online or click here to download. Completed forms can be submitted online, emailed to jenny@houseandpetsitters.com.au or posted to House and Pet Sitters, PO Box 2127, Claremont North, WA 6010


    Are you interested in becoming a sitter?

    To become team member complete the Sitter Application online or click here to download. Completed forms can be submitted online, emailed to jenny@houseandpetsitters.com.au or posted to House and Pet Sitters, PO Box 2127, Claremont North, WA 6010.

    Relax and enjoy your holiday!