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    House and Pet Sitters cat carer needed
    Post date: 29th August 2017
    Category: Cats, Pet lover

    The House and Pet Sitters team love and care for pets of all shapes and sizes. When we came across a call for assistance from a pet owner, we offered to help.

    Meet Vanessa, a loving cat owner. She has a request regarding her fur babies.

    If you can assist please contact Vanessa directly with enquiries and for more information.

    Hello, I’m Vanessa, I have two cats, a brother and sister Maincoon-cross. They are two-year old rescue cats. They were found in a box by the side of the road which means I worked hard to raise them, they love interaction and cuddles and are inseparable from each other.

    Sadly, my mother passed away recently. I am struggling with my grief and do not have family in Perth. I have made the hard decision to move home to be with family while we process and deal with our grief.

    I expect to be gone for 12 months. This is very hard for me as they are my babies. I had no idea when I adopted them that I would need to travel and leave them behind.

    I’m looking for a cat lover to adopt and care for my cats for the time I am away. I’m looking for someone who spends a lot their day at home i.e. a student, a retired person, part-time worker perhaps.

    The male cat has been fixed, he is a big, fluffy, lazy boy who is expected to continue growing.

    She is a very delicate little thing. They are indoor cats – excellent with a litter tray and love putting on their harnesses and leads and wandering about in the garden on the warm grass in the sunshine. They are very quiet, clean and do a lot of sleeping. They love their little toys and their scratching post.

    I don’t want to separate the pair and I’m hope the move to their new dog-free home will be a smooth transition.

    I am prepared to cover their food and litter costs while I am away – the female has a particular cat food diet for her health.

    If you are able to assist with sourcing a secure loving home, please send an email to vanessa.tomaselli@gmail.com

    I look forward to hearing from cat lovers with a big heart.

    Thank you


    Relax and enjoy your holiday!