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    Trust us to care for your beloved pets and home!
    • House and Pet Sitters - Facebook
    Post date: 11th March 2020
    Category: Uncategorised

    You like many pet lovers around Australia might be wondering about about Coronavirus/COVID-19 and if you should have any concerns and if they are at risk.

    According to leading veterinarians across the country:

    • There is currently no known reason to believe that any animals, including pets in Australia, can spread COVID-19.
    • To date, the Australian Veterinary Association has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19.
    • We always recommend following everyday preventive hygiene actions to help prevent the spread of illness.

    If you have any questions about your pet’s health or well-being please contact your local vet directly.

    Relax and enjoy your holiday!