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    • House and Pet Sitters - Facebook
    Post date: 19th November 2021
    Category: Cats, Dogs, Pet tips, Warning

    Summer and the festive season are here. They bring all sorts of delights including luscious food, lazy days and sunny rays and celebrations with loved ones.

    However, it is important to be aware that they also bring risks to our beloved fur babies.

    Most of us know that overindulgence is common.   


    You may think that you’re treating your pet when you share a bit of the Christmas ham. Remember that your best friend’s tolerance for rich and sometimes fatty foods is much lower than ours. It can increase the risk of contacting pancreatitis. It is often a sudden, severe and painful illness that can come from your fur kids overdoing it on leftovers and raiding the bins. Keep your bins well sealed and out of reach. High fat meats are especially dangerous for dogs- so the Christmas trimmings and fat are off the menu.


    Onion and garlic are poisonous for dogs and cats and macadamia nuts are often associated with toxicity and diarrhoea in dogs. Chocolate should never be shared with them- it is lethal. Raisins, grapes and sultanas often found in fruit cakes and mince pies are toxic and off the menu.


    Celebrations are an integral part of the end of the year. Night’s like New Year’s Eve can be one of the greatest party nights of the year-for humans. For our pets, they can be times of strange noises and lights.

    Best to keep them indoors during fireworks displays and the noise and commotion of social events. A comfortable, familiar space in the family home, a cardboard box with a towel cover etc will help make them feel safe and secure and more at ease. Cats will often hide during noisy events and will emerge when things quieten down. Dogs can benefit from other measures too (if you are out – try putting on the television or some music to mask the noise from outside) Their hearing is several times as sensitive as humans!


    While our fur babies enjoy the limelight that come wit their human’s social events, some do not deal well with extra attention. Ensure you can allow them to escape from the mayhem to a safe area. Also make sure visitors know that they should not feed your pets.


    It is a great time too to make sure your pet is unable to escape through any openings in their environment.  While they us unreservedly, they have a sense of curiosity which could lead them to wander. This is especially likely around times such as New Year’s Eve where strange sounds, vibrations, smells and lights can confuse them and cause their flee instinct to kick in. They can panic and flee. While you have taken all the steps to make sure this does not happen, make sure your pet is microchipped and details are up to date

    An idea for preventing bad reactions is to plan a reasonably long walk, make sure they are fed properly at the correct time for them. A tired and well-fed fur baby may be less likely to get anxious.


    During the summer, ticks and fleas are at their worst so make sure your pets’ treatments are up to date. Tick paralysis can be fatal. If you are travelling with your pets always check if where you are going is a tick hot spot.  


    Do remember that your small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs and other small pets are not immune to the sounds and lights of nights such as New Year’s Eve. Apply many of the same tips to keep them feeling comfortable safely home in their living space with plenty of food and water.

    If you have any concerns, it is always a great idea to talk to your vet who knows your pets … and have a safe and wonderful party season full of fun with your furry friends and family!

    x Jenny

    Relax and enjoy your holiday!